Skincare as nature intended is what Kosmea is all about. Certified Organic by the USDA Rose Hip Oil is the cornerstone for all Kosmea products. Visit my Kosmea Store for more info or to order.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder: A Theatre Weekend in New York City!

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder: A Theatre Weekend in New York City!

Ciao bella,

I love a "get away weekend"! I feel it rejuvenates the soul. Don't get me wrong I adore my Boston digs however nothing like a trip away to feel a richness of experience that surely brings out the beauty in all of us!

I subscribe to the New York City Guide monthly and it does inform me in printed glory all the latest happenings in New York City. The new restaurants, museum exhibits, shopping and, of course, what's playing on Broadway. I do have an endless love for live theatre. I am also a huge fan of television's "Big Bang Theory". The storyline of that 30-minute sitcom is the antics of four brilliant, socially awkward friends, one engineer and three physicists, along with the pretty blonde neighbor who is a waitress wanting to become an actress, all living in Pasadena, California! Only four are geeks! Can you guess? The geekiest, and main star of this show, is Jim Parsons. He is absolutely wonderful. He also reminds me of my David a bit and since they have the same bathrobe I know there are other similarities.

Jim Parsons is playing the starring role of Elwood P. Dowd in this old time play called "Harvey" on Broadway! The story about a man who lives in a beautiful home with his sister and niece and his imaginary friend, a six-foot-tall rabbit named Harvey! It's a marvelous comedy with layers of emotions and the kind, gentle manners of Elwood P. Dowd. It made me think why more people should be more like Elwood who just wanted to make everyone happy, made a gal blush in a proper way, could care less about the materialistic side of life and loved a cocktail or two without regret! Laughing is good for the soul and laugh we did with Harvey. There were also tears of realization that Elwood's naïveté and gentle way just barely exist in our world. I believe it existed in my parents world!

So now I go about my day if there is a question or problem and ask "What would Harvey/Elwood say?"

Change is hard most of the time. But watching Harvey changed my life and its perspective for the better! So go on take that trip and find some Beauty to add to your life!

Buona giornata and God bless the United States of America!

--Mary N. DiZazzo-Trumbull

Read prior weeks' "All That Zazz" columns at Mary is a third-generation cosmetologist and a Massachusetts distributor of Kosmea brand rose hip oil products. She may be contacted at (978) 470-8183 or

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Base Coat and Top Coat -- the Absolute Bread in the Nail Polish Sandwich

Base Coat and Top Coat -- the Absolute Bread in the Nail Polish Sandwich

Ciao bella,

Years of experience as a nail tech truly proved to me and my clients that the right base coat and top coat are essential during a manicure session. They both help to make the polish adhere to the natural nail. They also help to prevent chips and breaks of the natural nail. Some colored polishes especially non-professional colors have a strong pigment and when a base coat is not applied will stain the nail with pigment that is a yellow or orange tint. If you are getting a pedicure always insist you want a base coat applied to your toes before polish. Some techs take a short cut by not applying the base coat. Even when applying your own polish always use a base and topcoat on nails and toes!

Base coat works like a double sided sticky tape. After applying base coat, polish color will effectively bind to natural nail providing a receptive to polish forming a tight bond. Base coats contain plasticizers which act with a flexible element causing the natural nail to bend and not break. They also contain cellulose creating that double sticky layer so polish will adhere to natural nail as well as the polish.

Top coat, usually clear acts as a sealer that is applied on top of top dried polish and very tip of natural nail to ensure long lasting results of polish. Top coat also provides a high gloss shine and should dry in a few minutes. Nitrocellulose is responsible in adding the high gloss shine. Top coats also contain plasticizers for flexibility. Nail scientists formulated these two remarkable coatings with different mixtures of ingredients to create a long lasting manicure. We professional nail technicians thank them for that and all their extensive research to make our industry a successful and healthy environment! For a natural nail consult, call me anytime!

Buona giornata and God bless the United States of America!

--Mary N. DiZazzo-Trumbull

Read prior weeks' "All That Zazz" columns at Mary is a third-generation cosmetologist and a Massachusetts distributor of Kosmea brand rose hip oil products. She may be contacted at (978) 470-8183 or

Monday, July 2, 2012

Essential Oils Can Make Your Day

Essential Oils Can Make Your Day

Ciao bella,

Ahhhhhh -- Aromatherapy! It can bring you back to childhood, a trip to Italy, Nana' s cooking or just a marvelous state to put you in a better mood! As of this moment I have incorporated a "lemon tonic" (smells more like lemon meringue pie) into my Natural Nail Manicures! Essential oils are used professionally to enhance a salon experience, use as a room air freshener, and also to create perfume. Why not bring it into your life!

There are rules of the trade when using Essential Oils. They should always be diluted with a carrier oil. There are many such as sweet almond oil, grape-seed, rose hip or soybean etc. You cannot use an Essential Oil in its pure form. Mixing 3 or 4 oils together with a carrier oil can be pure heaven!

Investing in an Aromatic Book or just searching for different scents and their qualities can prove most therapeutic when put to use, quite easily!

Here are some Essential Oils and their qualities:

Lemon. Booster for immune system, refreshing, uplifting, relieves anxiety and depression

Chamomile. Calming properties soothing skin that is itchy, has eczema, soothes nerves and anxiety.

Cinnamon. Antiseptic use, relieves tension and exhaustion.

Lime. Mood elevator, energizes, refresher, also aids in fatigue

Jasmine. Relaxing, calming, rids depression

Ginger. Aids in aching muscles and joints, good for circulatory issues, nervousness, sharpens senses

Geranium. Astringent, balancing, tension and fatigue relief, antiseptic properties

Lavender. Calming, soothing, mood lifter, relaxing

Frankincense. Stabilizer, soothes and calms, developer for inner strength

Marjoram. To treat migraine, general headache, depression, stress and anxiety

Thyme. For better memory and concentration, muscle aches and pains, fatigue relief

These Essential Oils are just a few of the many that are used in bringing to you good Karma!

So take a whiff and feel it!

Buona giornata and God bless the United States of America!

--Mary N. DiZazzo-Trumbull

Read prior weeks' "All That Zazz" columns at Mary is a third-generation cosmetologist and a Massachusetts distributor of Kosmea brand rose hip oil products. She may be contacted at (978) 470-8183 or