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Thursday, May 25, 2017

The Coconut — It may have a rough exterior, however, don't let it fool you; the inside is filled with a soft milky flesh filled with skin nourishing agents!

The Coconut — It may have a rough exterior, however, don't let it fool you; the inside is filled with a soft milky flesh filled with skin nourishing agents!

Ciao bella,

I adore Coconut! I remember when Mom would purchase one and Dad would go out to the garage with his hammer and nail. All the delicious Coconut milk would drip down our chins. Opening up the hard outside shell, we waited for the soft white flesh that crunched in our teeth. That's my childhood memory of The Coconut. The Coconut now has become a pantry staple and daily skin regimen.

The Coconut is a tropical gem that has been around since prehistoric times. People used it for its Coconut water, meat, and oil. Lately it's been all the buzz. The skin-saving properties have been known to treat very dry skin with ultimate success. The healthy fats are the source of the hydrating properties. You can find Coconut Oil in every skin care product; shampoo, conditioner, body lotions, and complexion care. The Coconut, packed with substantial vitamin and nutrient, has also conquered the anti-aging dilemma as a Fountain of Youth! Considering its antioxidants, claims of slowing the anti-aging process have been proven.

Here are a few fun facts on The Coconut:

During WWII, Coconut water was used as a workable shortterm substitute for human blood plasma, used in emergency transfusions!

India, Sri Lanka, and the Philippines are the three biggest Coconut producing countries.

Over 20 billion Coconuts are grown and harvested every year.

So everyone ... now is the time to get up close and personal with The Coconut!

Wishing everyone a Happy and Safe Memorial Weekend! Remember our brave soldiers who fought and died.

Mary N. DiZazzo-Trumbull

Read prior weeks' "All That Zazz" columns at Mary is a third-generation cosmetologist and a Massachusetts distributor of Kosmea brand rose hip oil products. She may be contacted at (978) 470-8183 or

Monday, May 1, 2017

Want to look Younger? Fill out your Eyebrows!

Want to look Younger? Fill out your Eyebrows!

Ciao bella,

information in the beauty world, just to share it with all my readers!

Eyebrows! Again! You may say, however, with careful study, there is a way to look years younger! Full Brows bring balance and proportion to your eyes and face. So be bold and fill out your Brows. No hard Brow pencils, please. With a good shape of a Brow, only lipstick is needed for a next to perfect look!

As we age, our Brows get thin. Overplucking, over-waxing and “thin used to be in,” are the culprits behind our now thinned-out Brows. Thin Brows can make us look older. However, fullness is universally youthful. Remember in your youth when your Brows were untouched and natural? The youthful unspoiled Brow reigned supreme! There is a solution to regain some Brow power back. Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be a magic potion or growth serum that will grow those beauties back in. So, once again, we turn to our professionals. Your fave beauty counter/consultant can help you with shape and products. And, of course, there are cosmetics over the counter to help build a nice arch and fi ll in your Brows for a more youthful look. I’ve been experimenting with different Brow products and Brow shapes on me and other gals. There is no doubt a difference in the look you can achieve with a few strokes of an Eyebrow Mascara. Just because your Brows have thinned out, you don’t have to follow that line.

Recently I sent away for an Eyebrow Stamp, two shapes, one color. I’ll give an update when I receive it! The before and after photos were amazing!

So my friends and Glam gals, take my advice and get your Brow on!

Buona Pasqua!