Ciao bella,
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People dining upstairs and outside at The Algiers Restaurant next door, casually discussing the problems of the world and their upcoming courses. Next door, where I'm enjoying a lovely bench in front of The Cambridge Center for Adult Education, I see my classmates and Cabanaland friends strolling from lunch. It seems I hadn't seen them for months, and I haven't! All had negative descriptions of the past season we just survived --enough about that! This lovely spring day is all that matters now -- the beauty of it all.
Looking forward to baseball season, lazy sunshine days in Cabanaland, and outdoor dining there!
The sand and sea touch our feet and we will come alive. We shall never again take for granted these beautiful days! Or at least not for a very long time!
So step out and actually feel the spring breezes caress your body and soul! It's a beautiful thing!
Buona giornata and God bless the United States of America!
--Mary N. DiZazzo-Trumbull
Read prior weeks' "All That Zazz" columns at Mary is a third-generation cosmetologist and a Massachusetts distributor of Kosmea brand rose hip oil products. She may be contacted at (978) 470-8183 or