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Friday, August 20, 2010

Ginseng—use it and keep young!

Ginseng—use it and keep young!

Ciao bella,

I have been giving all my readers an insight to utilize all of nature's finest “nectars of the Gods.” This one is no different. Ginseng is a perennial herb with a fleshy root and is slow growing. Coming from Eastern Asia, primarily China and Korea, it is readily used. Wild American Ginseng has had a problem of over-harvesting, leading to crops that are not as valuable.

The active ingredient which makes Ginseng so popular is in the root. The ginsensosides help to reactivate and revitalize epidermal cells. The saponins, mucin and vitamin B also come from the root.

Ginseng products help in smoothing wrinkles and aid in replenishing moisture for dry skin. It is great for renewing skin elasticity, rejuvenating, oxygenating and stimulating skin. For centuries Ginseng has been known as a cure-all for illness. It has been known to balance and normalize body functions. Try it to boost your immune system, energy levels and can help lower blood sugar.

You can find Ginseng everywhere in the store, from the beauty aisle to the grocery bin. Look for it in facial products, lotions and creams, and hair care products. The extract of Ginseng can be found in teas, energy supplement pills and herbal capsules. Ginseng has also been known in some instances to stimulate hair growth. You can also make “tea” by boiling the peeled knotty root in water and drinking it—great for digestion and balance!

So keep these “nectars of the Gods” well within reach to feel good and stay beautiful.

Buona giornata, and God bless the United States of America!

--Mary N. DiZazzo-Trumbull

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