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Monday, February 10, 2014

Fabulous. Never better.

Fabulous. Never better.

Ciao bella,

Wearing Her Age Well
Is this your response when asked "How are you?" Why it should be! I realize better than anyone that maintaining our looks and health is a daily challenge! However looking back there has never been such wonderful research and facts on how to keep a positive outlook and health awareness as today.

Read your monthly magazines and get "in the know" on how to cure the blues, cook a new great meal, read a short story that will take you to a new place. Don't wine about the winter weather however look forward to the splendid spring and summer that is just around the corner. New England is really a great place to live! On these winter days cuddle up with that novel you've wanted to read. Clean out a closet or a draw and donate the items you have not used for 5 years. Feel cleansed of the clutter. It truly is a remarkable feeling.

Give yourself a home spa day! Most of what you'll need is in your kitchen!

Try this Strawberry Mask-mash 3 strawberries and apply them to your face for 10 minutes. Rinse your complexion. You will have gently exfoliated your skin while the Vitamin C works to make skin brighter! Looking good is feeling good!

Try this skin-calming "green juice" to depuff- in juicer combine 1 cup pineapple, 1/2 cucumber and a half green apple! Good nutrition leads to healthy, radiant skin!

Learn to meditate. Great exercise for body and mind. Just a few minutes a day can smooth out the wrinkles!

Use your Skincare Regimen diligently. They only work when you use them!

So after following these few renewal tricks, the next time you're asked "How are you?" You can respond. Fabulous. Never better!

Buona giornata and God bless the United States of America! Wishing one and all a happy, healthy New Year for 2014!

--Mary N. DiZazzo-Trumbull

Read prior weeks' "All That Zazz" columns at Mary is a third-generation cosmetologist and a Massachusetts distributor of Kosmea brand rose hip oil products. She may be contacted at (978) 470-8183 or

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