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Monday, April 25, 2016

Growing Out My Own Eyelashes

Growing Out My Own Eyelashes

Ciao bella,

I certainly enjoyed almost a full year of gorgeous Eyelash Extensions! I loved my appointments at a very fashionable Newbury St. Salon. I will miss that and the instant empowerment of Beautiful Eyelashes. Waking every day looking and feeling grand!

However there comes a day when you just miss your own lashes. It was certainly going to be a challenge at this time to grow them out. I decided to remove the individual fakes at a time when own lashes were in a "shedding" phase of barely noticeable to the naked eye! Oh the horror! After all I always had pretty long and lovely ones of my own. Just not as full and dark as when the individual extensions were applied. So my journey begins!

I knew there were Lash Serums on the market since I used to apply it on my flutters years ago. And I know it worked. However I needed the best of the best so I could grow these " babies" back.

First of all getting me through just the first day of looking at myself with part of me gone was traumatic! A friend of mine a while back was raving about her fab mascara! (Before extensions) So she gave me a tube and after applying it I found that little tubes seem to be wrapped around each individual lash, lengthening and thickening. Removal was a cinch with a warm cotton pad! No damage, no oil and no rubbing. After taking a selfie that first day I knew I had a long road ahead however my lashes looked pretty good. However it was back to using mascara everyday. Another plus of this journey was I could never use my various eyeliners with the Lash Extensions for fear of losing them. Now my blues, greens, purples etc. are back front and center to line my lids colorfully.

I inquired with another Eyelash obsessed friend who met a gal with super-duperlashes that were all her own! Her serum was the one I wanted. So after 4 weeks of applying serum once a day I can see new growth and thickness of my own Eye Lashes. I am very happy. And after 6-8 weeks, a few more months maybe I'll be even thrilled!

Buona giornata and God bless the United States of America!

Mary N. DiZazzo-Trumbull

Read prior weeks' "All That Zazz" columns at Mary is a third-generation cosmetologist and a Massachusetts distributor of Kosmea brand rose hip oil products. She may be contacted at (978) 470-8183 or

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