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Monday, September 19, 2016

Your Cosmetic Bag

Your Cosmetic Bag

Ciao bella,

It’s that time of year to clean out the old and make room for the new! As a professional, I know that sanitization has a huge effect on our health and well-being. I understand many of us Glamazons can get attached to some fave make-up or cream; however, our old and used stuff goes beyond the expiration date. Hanging on to such items can cause unnecessary drama. All cosmetics, once we open and use them, start to harbor bacteria.

Bacteria can cause unpleasant breakouts, eye infections, and even rashes!

So here is a professional list I go by on how long we should keep our cosmetics and when we should toss them.

Mascara and eyeliner are huge on collecting bacteria. So 3 months should be the limit on keeping and using them.

Lipstick should be tossed between 1 and 2 years. In fact, with some lipsticks, they will have a rancid type odor. Toss immediately!

Face cream should also be used up in 3 months.

Foundation will last for 1 year. When applying, try not to touch tip of bottle/applicator so as not to promote bacteria and cause contamination. It will alsocarry a rancid smell when it’s gone bad. Toss yesterday! Face oil will also be good for 1 year. After that long, take a sniff and you’ll know if it’s useable.

Sunscreen usually has an expiration date and I would go by that. I say 1 year for it. Loose powder is supposed to be tossed after a year as well.

As for your makeup brushes, please clean regularly with a brush cleaner or Woolite.

I hope these tips will keep you beautiful and healthy. It’s a new season and time for a new palette!

Buona giornata and God bless the United States of America!

Mary N. DiZazzo-Trumbull

Read prior weeks' "All That Zazz" columns at Mary is a third-generation cosmetologist and a Massachusetts distributor of Kosmea brand rose hip oil products. She may be contacted at (978) 470-8183 or

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