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Tuesday, September 6, 2022

History of The Pedicure

History of The Pedicure

Ciao bella,

Since the 1990's the Pedicure service has consistently developed into a phenomenon. Shortening the nails and grooming the feet go as far back as the caveman. It was more a "private service" not performed in salons. Before the 1970s in the get my hair done every week era most salons didn't have pedicures available. So with nails becoming a licensed specialty, Pedicures were offered by salons. The nail salons of the '70s and '80s were on average "acrylic salons" and performed few natural services due to the low prices expected to pay. A salon opened in 1980 and it had a Pedicure chair. Mostly used as a coat rack!

By the 1990s the spa age reached its growth of adding in Pedicures on their menus. Offering the feet care desired by the clients. By the 2000s feet were no longer hidden away. They were being groomed to be seen by others with color and nail art.

The explosion of salon owners purchasing spa/Pedicure chairs was unbelievable. In 1999 a manicurist came forward and wanted to be called a "Pedicurist". This gal saw there was money to be made and "foot spa" has become a common salon name for Pedicure salons.

So go out and get your tootsies done!

Wishing a happy Labor Day

Read prior weeks' "All That Zazz" columns at Mary is a third-generation cosmetologist. She may be contacted at

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